Explanatory explanation to those who participate in the questionnaire

  • Explanation regarding the study “The relationship among Interpersonal/ social relationship, personal values, life habits and psychological measures”

    This explanation was written to ensure you fully understand the contents of the study,and judge for yourself whether to participate with the study or not. Should you decide not to participate, you will not be disadvantaged in anyway. If you have any questions, please contact us any time.This research has been reviewed by the Ethics Committee of Kyoto University Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, and is approved by the head of research.

  • The aim of the study:

    The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between personal values, life style and psychological index, using questionnaires. Priorities in personal values in your lives (ex., hobby, study, job, family issues and so on) and life style (daily activity, playing sports, sleep, etc.) could affect your physical and mental health, and each aspects of your health can affect the other. Therefore, this study attempts to shed light on the importance of appropriate life style which leads to healthy lives. More specifically, the benefits of habits from sports/martial arts might also be clarified.

  • Methods:

    This study will use online questionnaires. There will be two online questionnaires; the first questionnaire will ask questions relating to the past (your early adolescence) and the present. The second questionnaire will be a follow-up questionnaire 1 year after the first questionnaire. Each questionnaire will require about 30 minutes to complete.

  • Merits for participants:

    There are no direct benefits to the participants of this study. However, it will contribute to mental health promotion indirectly by expressing the results as academic achievements through publishing journals etc. The results of the questionnaires will not be returned to you, because it is difficult to give accurate explanations to each result as they are under research in progress, that is, they have not been regarded as established evidence.

  • Participating and declining to participate in the project:

    As mentioned above, participating in this project is based on your free will. You will not be disadvantaged in anyway for deciding not to participate after reading this explanation, nor will it affect future treatment. Even if you decide to participate, you can decide to stop halfway. If you want to stop your participation, send e-mail to the following address. After reading the explanation, we ask those wishing to participate to click/select the appropriate boxes at the end of the introduction section of the online questionnaire.

  • Privacy of the participants:

    All of the data including personal data will be anonymized so that each individual is not specified. We never inform anyone the data. No contents by which personal information is specified are presented as research papers and presentations in conferences neither.

  • Conflicts of interests:

    We are funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology, Japan), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Japan Society for The Promotion of Science), Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), Daiwa Securities Health Foundation, and The Nakatomi Foundation regarding the project.

  • Information Management

    1) Long term storage of data
     Data obtained from this experiment will be retained at least 10 years after the completion of the thesis, and then destroyed. We ask for your co-operation regarding the storage of data. Please advise us if you do not wish your data to be stored long term. You will not be disadvantaged in anyway by doing so.

    2) Pertaining to the secondary use of data We would like to request, with the exclusion of all personal information with the exception of age and sex, the use of the valuable data obtained through the most recent research, for use in separate research within this university. The secondary use of this data will, once again, only take place following the review and approval of the ethics committee. Please take notice that a separate approval column has been created for the secondary use of this data. Should approval of the secondary use of the data not be received, it will in no way disadvantage this research. Also, information related to this research will not be offered to any third-party organization. However, should new research be conducted with cooperative research teams in the future, information may be furnished with personal information being made anonymous. In this event, once again, confirmation of the propriety of this information will be made.

    3) Personal information protection law
    In accordance with Japanese law pertaining to the management of personal information, we maintain strict adherence. However, while there is thusly no reason to worry concerning said personal information, if you should at all feel that something may be at odds with laws concerning the management of personal information in your own country of residence, please feel free not to consent to conveying this information.

  • Information Disclosure on Research

    If you would like to learn more about the study plan and material relating to this study, we can provide you with information without the personal details of other participants, and content that is original to this study. Please contact us if you wish to learn more.

  • Patent rights and economic interests:

    Possible patent rights and economic interests emerged in relation to the project is contribute to Kyoto University.

  • Contact us:

    Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you feel something difficult to understand or anxious about to the person below;

  • (Person in charge)
    Hironobu Fujiwara MD, PhD.
    Assistant Professor
    Kyoto University Hospital
    Integrated Clinical Education Center
    Department of Neuropsychiatry
    54 Shogoinkawaracho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
    6068507, JPN.
    TEL: +81-75-751-4839
    FAX: +81-75-751-3091
    e-mail: hirofuji@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp

*** Consent to participate to the present project ***

I accept the following two terms.
1, I declare that I understand the explanation of the study and agree to join in the project as a participant.
2. I declare that I agree to use the data in separate research within university.